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Trusted sources weigh in

by Matt Bignell |

A growing number of health experts and researchers are suggesting that face shields provide individuals with better protection against COVID-19, and that widespread adoption of face shields could significantly reduce both the overall COVID-19 infection rate as well as its negative impact on the global economy. 


The following 3 resources provide information from experts on the protection benefits of face shields (links to the full articles are embedded in the titles).


Moving Personal Protective Equipment Into the Community: Face Shields and Containment of COVID-19

Eli N. Perencevich, MD, MS; Daniel J. Diekema, MD, MS; Michael B. Edmond, MD, MPH, MPA
JAMA (Journal of The American Medical Association) 

Notable Quotes:

Face shields offer a number of advantages. While medical masks have limited durability and little potential for reprocessing, face shields can be reused indefinitely and are easily cleaned with soap and water, or common household disinfectants. They are comfortable to wear, protect the portals of viral entry, and reduce the potential for autoinoculation by preventing the wearer from touching their face. People wearing medical masks often have to remove them to communicate with others around them; this is not necessary with face shields. The use of a face shield is also a reminder to maintain social distancing, but allows visibility of facial expressions and lip movements for speech perception.” 

“Most important, face shields appear to significantly reduce the amount of inhalation exposure to influenza virus, another droplet-spread respiratory virus. In a simulation study, face shields were shown to reduce immediate viral exposure by 96% when worn by a simulated health care worker within 18 inches of a cough. Even after 30 minutes, the protective effect exceeded 80% and face shields blocked 68% of small particle aerosols, which are not thought to be a dominant mode of transmission of SARS-CoV-2. When the study was repeated at the currently recommended physical distancing distance of 6 feet, face shields reduced inhaled virus by 92%, similar to distancing alone, which reinforces the importance of physical distancing in preventing viral respiratory infections.”

“Face shields, which can be quickly and affordably produced and distributed, should be included as part of strategies to safely and significantly reduce transmission in the community setting. Now is the time for adoption of this practical intervention.”


Are Face Shields Even Better Than Face Masks at Preventing Coronavirus Infection? Experts are hopeful.

Melinda Wenner Moyer


Notable Quotes:

“A growing number of researchers think there’s a better way. Face shields—which shield a person’s face with a clear curved plastic panel—are more comfortable, easier to put on and take off, reusable, and simple to clean. But most importantly, ’we feel face shields are far more effective,’ Eli Perencevich, M.D., professor of internal medicine and epidemiology at the University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine.”

“….  face shield proponents argue that based on the laws of physics, shields will likely protect others. Everything that flies out of your mouth is ‘going forward, and it’s hitting a giant piece of plastic,’ Dr. Perencevich says. ’It just physically can’t go through.’” “Shields also have many benefits that masks don’t. They protect not just your nose and mouth, but also your eyes; some research now suggests that when SARS-CoV-2 droplets hit the eye, they can then spread to infect the rest of the body. Also, unlike with masks, ‘you really can't wear them wrong,’ Dr. Edmond says.”
“To stop the spread of the coronavirus, we only need to slow transmission such that each infected person infects less than one other person, on average, and ’we don’t need a perfect intervention to do that,’ Dr. Perencevich says. Face shields, he concludes, could be ‘a method that can save our economy and save lives.’”


Face shields for infection control: A review

Raymond J. Roberge
NCBI-NIH (National Center for Biotechnology Information - National Institutes of Health)

Notable Quotes:

Advantages [of face shields:]
    • more comfortable
    • protect a larger portion of the face
    • less retained dermal facial heat
    • less fogging than goggles
    • less claustrophobic
    • no impact on breathing resistance
    • no fit testing required
    • can be disinfected easily
    • wearers do not need to be clean shaven
    • easy to don and doff
    • relatively inexpensive
    • no impact on vocalization
    • can be worn concurrent to other face/eye PPE
    • do not impede facial nonverbal communication
    • reduced patient anxiety
    • protects against self-inoculation over a wider facial area
    • may extend the useful life of a protective facemask when used concurrently”

By making face shields and desk shields widely available to schools, businesses, and health care organizations, we hope to slow the spread of COVID-19 and protect your students, customers, employees, and loved ones.

For more information about our economical and reusable shields, please visit us at our website.

Shields are available for bulk orders and can be ordered in custom sizes.





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